Laura Haapakangas

Laura Haapakangas (b.1985) is a scenographer (Master of Arts) who has worked with performing arts and film since 2006. Haapakangas’ work has been seen on the big stages of Finnish theatres, for example at The Finnish National Theatre and & Espoo theatre, and on the stages of smaller theatres like Q-teatteri and Zodiak – Centre for New Dance. Abroad her works have been performed at festivals in Norway, Estonia, Germany and Iceland e.g. 

Haapakangas’ work is often characterized by the investigation of material hierarchies and tactilities. The scenic images of her works evoke questions of power, and that which is natural and unnatural, as well as familiar and unknown. Most of her work takes place in performances situated between the genres of dance, theatre, fine arts and live art. Haapakangas is one of the seven menbers of W A U H A U S arts collective.
